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CLN Spotlight Unveils Corporate Learning Week Speaker Interviews

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In the lead up to Corporate Learning Week 2013, the Corporate Learning Network will be publishing a series of interviews with speakers you'll meet at this year's conference.

Check out the links below to learn what learning and training leaders are doing at Google, Zappos, the Government Accountability Office and Commune Hotels and Resorts.

-Kevin Nieman: When measuring ROI and soft skills, don't get bogged down in metrics
-Allison Rossett: Ed tech professor says future of corporate learning needs to focus on personalization
-Chris Malone: Soft skills predict employee effectiveness and success
-Patrick Conway: U.S. Army grows learning communities, focuses on 'talent discovery'
-Kelly Porter: Commune Hotels uses storytelling to spread values, culture
-Marc Ramos: Google's Global Lead, EDU Learning Programs talks speed vs. efficacy
-Rich Hazeltine: Developing a strong culture in a tech-centered business
-Charlotte Hughes: Kimberly-Clark teaches leaders to dream, grow, live well