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Capstone International Matches L&D Leaders With Executive Education Resources

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Creating new learning and development programs can take months and exhaust your department’s monetary resources. That's why L&D programs are increasingly turning to executive education resourcing companies, such as Capstone International.

Capstone works as the liaison and creates relationships between organizations and the resources they are seeking, be they executive education materials, programs or instructors.

"At Capstone we believe that everybody has an innate need to learn, and that doesn't stop after college," said Kristin Bratland, corporate development officer at Capstone International.

"When you fulfill that innate need, you enable people to perform much better. You'll enable them to be innovative and strategic and better leaders in their organization."

Capstone has developed a number of specialized programs for executive education, including international immersion programs and on-campus immersion programs, such as the Silicon Valley Program with UC Berkeley, Leadership Beyond Borders with Carnegie Mellon, Strategic Decision Making with Univeristy of Virginia, IT Leadership Program with Santa Clara University, and the Vested Outsourcing Program at the University of Tennessee.

For more information about Capstone, check out the video above with Bratland and visit the company's website,