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Managing in Turbulent Times: Four Drucker Strategies for Weathering the Economic Storm

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Managing in turbulent times is going to become an important skill for most executives. Slow and low economic growth is now a near-certainty. Couple this with mounting government deficits financed by increased taxes and overworked government printing presses and we have very clear clues to the near-term future.

Many economists predict galloping inflation, decreased purchasing power for the majority of consumers in developed economies, increased unemployment and more government intervention.

This mini e-book attempts to provide an outline of principles & tested practices — based on the writings and theories of the "Master of Management" Dr. Peter F. Drucker — that could help you weather the already in-progress economic storm.

Download the e-book for insight into the 4 strategies — Organized Abandonment, Continuous Productivity Improvement, Exploitation of Successes and Innovation - and how you can put them to use in your organization to drive your business to higher performance.