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When you become an qualified HR Exchange member you receive:

    • Exchange Gift Box which includes premium coffee to start your day with a fresh brew during our virtual one-to-one delegate meetings, where you schedule time to connect with other executives, snacks to keep you energized throughout the day, and champagne for the Virtual Happy Hour! 
    • Customized research and benchmarking opportunities with solution providers, based on your needs
    • Membership Portal with on-demand access to 12-months of Exchange content for you and your team to discover creative solutions from highly focused sessions, experience personalized agendas, and more!
    • Participation in our curated networking events throughout the year, including entrée to our invitation-only peer-to-peer Exchange networking social group

Today’s CLO: A Resilient, Future-Focused Value Creation Partner for the Enterprise

The COVID-19 pandemic has shifted how Learning and Talent Development strategies are executed. Now there is a much greater emphasis on dispersed workforces and agile cultures. The pandemic has ignited many changes, but especially in areas of employee engagement and upskilling. Short-term, the pandemic has
underscored what’s working and what isn’t in terms of Learning and Talent Development. It also has created the need for permanent changes in the way long-term planning must be  approached. We will discuss:

    • How to optimally plan for short-term and long term talent development with limited resources
    • How to future proof the organization and talent pipeline post-pandemic 
    • How to build “future-ready” resilient and agile organizations that can thrive despite disruptions

Benchmark With the Best in Learning & Development
Preview some of our speakers and stay tuned for more exciting announcements soon...

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Building Connections in a Digital Environment

For 15 years we have understood the importance and value of building and maintaining a strong peer network. And with the current market disruptions, this is even more important. With our virtual Exchange, we deliver the personalized experiences of an in-person Exchange to your screen, with dedicated interactive networking time with other executives!
